Matcha lattes have become the go-to coffee alternative, rich in antioxidants and creamy in texture to kickstart a slow morning or as a midday pick-me-up. Deeply rooted in Japanese culture, matcha has taken the Western world by storm in recent years. So, if you want to know how to make a matcha latte yourself, keep reading as we delve into everything to do with making the perfect matcha latte, as well as touching on its Japanese origins. 

What is Matcha?

Matcha is a type of green tea that is made by grinding up young green tea leaves into a powder. Full of chlorophyll, explaining matcha’s vibrant green colour, these young green tea leaves are bursting with nutrients and antioxidants. 

The origin of matcha first started in China during the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD) in which green tea leaves were ground down for medicinal and ceremonial purposes. This method found its way to Japan which then evolved into the intricate Japanese tea ceremony called ‘Chanoyu’ or ‘Chado’, which symbolises a connection between a host and their guest, creating a moment of mindfulness and appreciation of one another. Holding great cultural significance, Japanese Buddhist monks also use matcha before meditation. 

What is a Matcha Latte? 

A matcha latte combines a finely ground matcha powder mixed with hot water and whisked to create a frothy and velvety texture, which acts as the base of the matcha latte. Steamed or frothed hot milk is then added to the whisked matcha to transform it into a matcha latte and create the perfect balance of the earthy, umami taste of matcha with the creaminess of the milk. Depending on personal preference, a sweetener such as honey can also be added. 

Matcha Latte Ingredients & Equipment 


When making the perfect matcha latte, using a high-quality matcha powder is key. Lower-grade matcha powders can taste bitter and grassy and this is often why some people think they don’t like the taste of matcha. In reality, they just haven’t been treated to one of a high enough standard! Your matcha should be a bright, vibrant green colour and finely ground. 


If you want to sweeten your matcha latte you can add honey or maple syrup, both of which will taste great, or adding coconut sugar also works well. Some matcha latte drinkers also like to add a touch of vanilla to their drink, to really complement and bring out the taste of the matcha.


All types of milk will work within a matcha latte, so it is totally down to your personal preference. Both cow’s milk and plant-based options will create a creamy beverage, either hot or cold. 


If you want to make a matcha latte you will also need something to whisk your matcha with. If you want to make it the traditional way, you can use a bamboo whisk, called a ‘chasen’ to froth the matcha and hot water together. Alternatively, you could also use a small electric whisk that will yield the same results.

Hot Matcha Latte Recipe 

Here’s how to make the perfect hot matcha latte.

  1. Add one teaspoon of matcha powder and a little hot water to your cup.
  2. Whisk them together until it’s a frothy, velvety texture. 
  3. Heat up your milk of choice either in a saucepan or with a milk frother and add to your matcha. 
  4. If you’re adding a sweetener, mix this into the matcha latte. 
  5. Now it’s time to relax and enjoy your matcha latte! 

If you’re craving something a little more refreshing for hot weather, why not try an iced matcha latte? Simply swap the hot milk for cold and add some ice cubes.

What Does a Matcha Latte Taste Like? 

If you haven’t had a matcha latte before, the flavour is very distinct. The matcha powder has an umami, earthy taste (but it should not be bitter). Some would describe it as slightly grassy or nutty. This is then balanced with the creamy sweetness of the hot milk of choice which makes for an indulgent and warming drink that is surprisingly refreshing. 

Do Matcha Lattes Have Health Benefits? 

The matcha within a matcha latte is where all the nutrients and health benefits lie. A true superhero among teas, it is celebrated for its high concentration of antioxidants, especially catechins like L-theanine, chlorophyll and polyphenols. L-theanine is an amino acid that’s been thought to boost brain health and alertness without the jittery feeling often associated with coffee. 

Matcha is also packed full of essential vitamins such as vitamins A and C, so drinking it regularly is thought to be linked with healthy, glowing skin

Make a Matcha Latte at Home

At Sweet Resolution, we make it easy for you to make a matcha latte at home. Our Barista Blend allows you to add your own milk, whilst our Instant Blend is perfect for those wanting a quick matcha fix, by easily adding hot water.

Our dreamy matcha latte blends are enhanced with a touch of Madagascan vanilla that is grown on small family-owned farms in Madagascar, and sweetened with raw, unrefined coconut nectar that is nutrient-rich and has a lower GI than refined white sugar. We proudly use organically-grown Japanese Matcha grown in Kagoshima on the volcanic island of Kyûshû for our Matcha Latte Blends. 

Making a matcha latte is a calming ritual and a delicious drink that can keep you focused. The combination of antioxidants and slow-release caffeine makes it a perfect alternative to coffee with added health benefits, so why not give it a try?